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    10 articles in this category

      CodeLobster IDE - free PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript / TypeScript editor

      In this article, we suggest you to get acquainted with the free editor of web languages - CodeLobster IDE. It is presented on the software market for a long time already, and it wins a lot of fans.
       CodeLobster IDE allows you to edit PHP, HTML, CSS, JavaScript and TypeScript files, it highlights the syntax and gives hints for tags, functions and their parameters. This editor easily deals with those files that contain a mixed content.
       If you insert PHP code in your HTML template, then the editor correctly highlights both HTML tags and PHP functions. The same applies to CSS and JavaScript/TypeScript code, which is contained in HTML files.
       The program includes auto-completion function, which greatly speeds up the programmer's work and eliminates the possibility of errors.

      CodeLobster IDE provides contextual help on all supported programming languages, it uses the most up to date documentation at this moment, downloading it from official sites. So we can quickly get a description of any HTML tag, CSS attribute, PHP or JavaScript/TypeScript function by pressing the F1 key.
       The built-in PHP debugger allows you to execute PHP scripts step by step, sequentially moving through the lines of code. You can assign check points, view the process of the work of loops, and monitor the values of all variables during the execution of the script.
       Other useful functions and features of the IDE:
      A pair highlighting of parentheses and tags - you will never have to count parentheses or quotation marks, the editor will take care of it. Highlighting of blocks, selection and collapsing of code snippets, bookmarks to facilitate navigation on the edited file, recognition and building of the complete structure of PHP projects - these functions ensure easy work with projects of any scale.  Support for 17 user interface languages, among them English, German, Russian, Spanish, French and others. The program works on the following operation systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Mac OS, Linux, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian.  The professional version of CodeLobster IDE provides the programmer with even more features.
      For example, you have an opportunity to work with projects on a remote server with use of the built-in FTP client. You can edit the selected files, preview the results and then synchronize the changes with the files on the hosting.
      In addition the professional version includes an extensive set of plug-ins:
      Fully implemented support for JavaScript (and TypeScript) libraries, such as jQuery, Node.js, AngularJS, AngularTS, BackboneJS, EmberJS, VueJS and MeteorJS. A large set of extensions that help to work with PHP frameworks - CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Laravel, Phalcon, Smarty, Symfony, Twig and Yii plug-ins. Plugins for working with the most popular CMS - Drupal, Joomla, Magento and WordPress. Also CodeLobster IDE has special plug-in for Bootstrap.  
      We can download and install any framework directly from the program without being distracted from the main tasks.
       In general, for a year of work, our team had no complaints against the editor. CodeLobster IDE works fast, does not hang and allows us to work even with large PHP projects.
      You can download CodeLobster IDE from the original website:

      Kotlin Vs. Java: Which is Best for Developing Android Apps?

      For more than two decades, Java was one of the more sought-after programming languages used on a variety of devices. Since the beginning, mobile apps developers have relied on Java to create hundreds of applications. In May 2019, Google announced that Kotlin was the preferred programming language for the Google Play Store for Android applications.
      To develop a successful mobile app, it is crucial to choose the best among Kotlin vs Java languages. Let’s learn what these languages are, their pros and cons, and which one will fit your app project. Let’s look at. Kotlin Programming Language
      Kotlin Programming Language
      Kotlin is mostly the integrated environment used for developing apps. It is also able to create statically JavaScript as well as Java Virtual Machine language (JVM).
      Kotlin is a blend of functional and functional programming. It is more simple, less messy and more efficient to build than Java. Kotlin can convert the code into binary code and run it under JVM. Therefore, it’s suitable for almost every platform & device.
      Java Programming Language
      Java programming language can be described as an object-oriented language. The language is easy to learn, strong, robust, and durable. Java is ideal for Android apps, web applications, server applications, embedded systems, large data and more. Open source is a mix of many elements. Java is the basis of a lot of Android apps and also significant portions of Android.
      Kotlin Vs. Java: What We Need to Know
      Kotlin Vs. Java can’t be used simultaneously for any mobile application development, so it is important to discover which is the most suitable. We’re now going to take a look at the pros and cons of both languages, as well as what makes each one better for certain types of Android applications.
      Data Classes: Kotlin Vs Java
      Java-based Android application development requires you to create variables or fields that can be used to store information. Additionally, you must create constructor, getter and setter methods, as well as toString() and the equals() and hashCode().
      Kotlin automatizes these tasks. You only need to include the word “data” in the definition of the class. The compiler is able to automatically create fields and variables like the setter, getter, constructor, among others.
      Volume & Coding: Kotlin Vs Java
      Kotlin code load is less than Java’s similar programs. Kotlin reduces the chance of errors in code and eases the work of Android app developers. Because of its ease of use, Kotlin is preferred over Java for massive mobile and web application development projects. Kotlin code is easier than Java.
      It doesn’t require constructors to create objects, classes that hold information and get value from declared fields or classes that store the data. Kotlin code is compiled in less than the time required for writing Java code. This accelerates development and deployment.
      Null Safety: Kotlin Vs Java
      Java has many drawbacks, one of which is Null Pointer Exception. The occurrence of a Null Pointer Exception is only triggered when the user is explicit in throwing it. Inconsistencies in data can occur due to Java code problems with initialization, as well as other issues. Kotlin is unable to run when a Null Pointer Exception is generated.
      For the best Kotlin Vs. Java choice and usage, look to hire Android app developers with professional expertise and excellent knowledge.
      Wildcards: Kotlin Vs Java
      Kotlin is not able to use wildcard types. Declaration variance & the type projections are Kotlin’s wildcard choices. Java allows wildcards. Wildcard codes are typically an unidentified kind. It governs the type security of Java-based codes within a software.
      Operator Overloading: Kotlin Vs Java
      You can make use of a range of mathematical operators within Kotlin such as subtraction, addition & division. It is possible to compare objects and conduct quality checks with symbols. The Java programming language relies on particular Java data types with mathematical operators. The Kotlin Vs. Java debate is won by Kotlin in terms of Operator Overloading.
      Performance: Kotlin Vs Java
      JVM runs ByteCode which is written using Java as well as Kotlin. It is however hard to assess their memory consumption. It’s difficult to evaluate and monitor their performance. Kotlin has more features than Java which makes it more practical.
      Multithreading applications are made simpler with Kotlin Coroutines tool. Because of its plethora of features, it compiles & runs a bit slower than Java. Java is however much less complicated than Kotlin which means that it is faster to compile.
      For top assistance, you must seek assistance from a Best Android app development company and hire Android app developers with great expertise.
      Stability: Kotlin Vs Java
      It’s the stability that lets us detect distinctions. Let’s begin with Java. Java is one of the languages with an extensive history. Java Version 8 & Java Version 11 both provide extensive support. If anything goes wrong, the Java versions can be upgraded via patches.
      Despite Kotlin’s long history, it is still a relatively young language. There is no official version yet. Java and Kotlin can be considered to be stable languages. If you are looking for stability, Java is the best option.
      Final Words
      We’ve got the complete list to offer on our analysis of the Kotlin vs. Java Debate. Hopefully, you will be satisfied with our analysis and choose the best option based on your preferences. Be it Java or be it Kotlin, everyone has their era and today’s era is inclining towards Kotlin programming Language.

      Next.js 9.2 released

      The react framwork Next.js is releasing a new update with some nice new features like built-In CSS Imports and CSS Modules, Catch-All Dynamic Routes, Up to 70% Reduced Largest JavaScript Bundle, and Up to 87% Less JavaScript Loaded after Multiple Navigations. All of these benefits are non-breaking and fully backwards compatible.
      The new features are:
      Built-In CSS Support for Global Stylesheets: Applications can now directly import .css files as global stylesheets. Built-In CSS Module Support for Component-Level Styles: Leveraging the .module.css convention, locally scoped CSS can be imported and used anywhere in your application. Improved Code-Splitting Strategy: The Google Chrome team heavily optimized Next.js' code-splitting strategy, resulting in significantly smaller client-side bundles. Furthermore, they've maximized HTTP/2 utilization to improve page load speed without hurting HTTP/1.1 performance. Catch-All Dynamic Routes: Next.js' Dynamic Routes now support catch-all routes, supporting a variety of new use-cases, e.g. CMS-powered websites.  
      Read the full blog post on all of these new changes here:
      Next.js 9.2
      NEXTJS.ORG Next.js 9.2 introduces native support for CSS, aggressive code-splitting, catch-all dynamic routes, and more!  

      Polypane 2.1 released - Edit all your panes at the same time

      Polypane is a browser built from the ground up to create websites and apps and it just released version 2.1 with some nice new features. The aim is to give you better insights into your site and make the entire developer/designer workflow faster and the features to do so is pretty great.
      What's new?
      Quick list of the major new features:
      Live CSS Edit all panes at the same time Social media previews See what your page looks like when shared on Facebook, Slack, Twitter and LinkedIn. Meta info Get a full overview of all your meta tags Handoff / browse Use Avocode, Zeplin and more directly in Polypane Workspaces UI Quickly switch between your favorite pane sets Beyond that, we also added network throttling, new and improved overlays, better indicators, ways to detect when your site is shown in Polypane, speed improvements, and many more smaller features.
      You can read all the changes here:
      Polypane 2.1: Edit all your panes at the same time | Polypane browser for dev & design
      POLYPANE.APP With Polypane, we want to give you better insights into your site and make the entire developer/designer workflow faster… ---
      If you do not know what Polypane is, then maybe this short video can help explain it.

      Angular 9 is here - Project Ivy has arrived

      After months of waiting, Angular 9 is finally here. This is a major release that effect the entire platform. This includes the framework, Angular Material, and the CLI. The most notable change is Ivy, the new default compiler and runtime.
      Version 9 moves all applications to use the Ivy compiler and runtime by default. Ivy improves bundle size, allows for better debugging, adds improved type checking, faster testing, enables the AOT compiler on by default, and improves CSS class and style binding. With Ivy, both small apps and large apps will see largely improved bundle size savings.

      Rather than me repeating the official announcement, I will let Maximilian Schwarzmüller from Academind walk you through the changes in this great video.
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