Loom is a video tool that allows people to easily record their screen, add audio commentary, and quickly edit the clips.
If you’re using Jira you may see a recommendation to try Loom out while adding a comment or editing a description in a Jira issue. The recommendation will only show on ‘Bug’ issues.
Admins and end users will see this Loom recommendation. If you have permission to add new products, you can add Loom from the recommendation. If you don’t have permission to add new products, you can send your admin a request to add Loom from the recommendation.
You can dismiss the recommendation anytime. If you have Loom already, you won’t see the recommendations at all.
Loom is a video tool that allows people to easily record their screen, add audio commentary, and quickly edit the clips.
If you’re using Jira you may see a recommendation to try Loom out while adding a comment or editing a description in a Jira issue. The recommendation will only show on ‘Bug’ issues.
Admins and end users will see this Loom recommendation. If you have permission to add new products, you can add Loom from the recommendation. If you don’t have permission to add new products, you can send your admin a request to add Loom from the recommendation.
You can dismiss the recommendation anytime. If you have Loom already, you won’t see the recommendations at all.
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