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Jimi Wikman
Message added by Jimi Wikman,

Disclaimer: This announcement is for partners who are building editions for their Marketplace cloud apps. For more resources, Marketplace Partners are encouraged to visit the App Editions Resource Hub. If you’re a customer, stay tuned for an official announcement for when App Editions will be GA.

We’re excited to officially launch App Editions for Marketplace!

We know Marketplace Partners employ a variety of business strategies to tailor app offerings to the market, including estimating the size of the demand and then deciding where to invest in features and services. With App Editions, partners now have a new tool in their strategy toolbox, providing you with new ways to serve multiple segments and pursue upsell opportunities.

App Editions allows partners to create Free, Standard and Advanced editions of their app(s).

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💫 Jimi Wikman

💫 Owner
  • Owner

This is very nice for all App developers out there, and it should make for some changes for the end customers that should be pretty good. More flexibility is always better!

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