The Standard Build Workflow follows the Area of responsibility principle as well as the fetch and release principle. We place three AOR's in the workflow: Development, Test and Acceptance. This is because we use Confluence for the Requirement, Management and Design documentation and deployment is using the Release feature in Jira. Each AOR have 2 statuses as standard, with the "Ready for..." and "In ..." as standards for indicating waiting and active states. For the Development teams we have a third, optional status for Code Review as well since that is a shift in responsibility. We have New as the starting status to indicate that an issue has not yet been processed. We have a supporting status in the form of blocked/pending to indicate that issues are stuck or need external help to proceed. We end the workflow with a Closed status that indicate that the code has been written, tested, accepted and is ready to be put into production. All transitions except closed have a post functions added to it that set Resolution to None. This ensures that if anyone transition from closed to any other status, Resolution will always be none.