About Jimi Wikman
Jimi Wikman is an experienced Atlassian expert with 12+ years of experience in designing, configuring and managing large and complex setups for small local and very large multinational organizations.
Jimi has worked as platform owner for multinational companies such as H&M and Sinch, and he has trained and rolled out Atlassian products that have been configured according to best practices and the need of the organizations. He is also well familiar with some of the largest apps such as ScriptRunner, Refined, Zephyr, QMetry and more. He is considered an expert on Assets and ITSM based Support….
Employment Information
- Employer: Sinch
- Client:
- Start Date: 01/16/2023
- End Date: 01/16/2025
- Industry: Communication
- Length: 24 months
Assignment: Take ownership of the Atlassian platform on data Center and define and implement strategies to make it secure, compliant and used responsibly. Consolidate 1300+ Atlassian products and apps across 500+ domains and organize the move from data center to Cloud with a green field approach. Act as expert towards the 400+ teams and help them move from old and obsolete setup towards a structured and modern way of working. Improve support for the 120.000 customers in the platform and ensure integrations are secure and handled maturely. Set up communication and governance with stakeholders globally. Support 3000 users globally and build a team of Atlassian experts from scratch.
Work directly with Atlassian and their partners on a weekly basis as a prioritized organization.
Ensured the data center platform was secure and compliant and implemented ways of working through a set of work group councils. Implemented a communication plan that included building up documentation in SharePoint and Confluence to ensure people had information of the many changes we implemented. Configured the Cloud platform from scratch and planned the initiative to move 3000 users to the cloud, which included 1400 workshops over a three-year span in three phases.
Method / Tools: Jira software DC, Confluence DC, Jira Service Management DC, Jira software cloud, Confluence cloud, Jira Service Management Cloud, Zephyr Scale, Assets, Plans, Atlassian Guard, Compass, Jira Product Discovery, Atlas, Slack, teams, GitLab, Scriptrunner, Refined
Customer Benefits: A secured and compliant data center platform where the users and customers could work structured according to standard configurations that promoted collaboration. A fully configured cloud platform with the latest security features implemented and a set of standards allowing rapid move to the cloud. Provided a project plan for cloud move and consolidated multiple organizations into the new Enterprise organization to save several millions in licensing costs. Removed consultants and hired a junior Atlassian Support Agent, leading a reduced cost for Sinch of several million SEK.
Om Jimi Wikman
Jimi is an experienced project manager with a rather unique range of kills. He is a certified requirements manager, trained designer with special expertise in conversion optimization, experienced system, integration and acceptance testers and has 20+ years of experience in front end development…
Anställnings Information
- Arbetsgivare: Sinch
- Updragsgivare:
- Start Datum: 01/16/2023
- Slut Datum: 01/16/2025
- Industri: Communication
- Längd: 24 months
Assignment: Take ownership of the Atlassian platform on data Center and define and implement strategies to make it secure, compliant and used responsibly. Consolidate 1300+ Atlassian products and apps across 500+ domains and organize the move from data center to Cloud with a green field approach. Act as expert towards the 400+ teams and help them move from old and obsolete setup towards a structured and modern way of working. Improve support for the 120.000 customers in the platform and ensure integrations are secure and handled maturely. Set up communication and governance with stakeholders globally. Support 3000 users globally and build a team of Atlassian experts from scratch.
Work directly with Atlassian and their partners on a weekly basis as a prioritized organization.
Ensured the data center platform was secure and compliant and implemented ways of working through a set of work group councils. Implemented a communication plan that included building up documentation in SharePoint and Confluence to ensure people had information of the many changes we implemented. Configured the Cloud platform from scratch and planned the initiative to move 3000 users to the cloud, which included 1400 workshops over a three-year span in three phases.
Method / Tools: Jira software DC, Confluence DC, Jira Service Management DC, Jira software cloud, Confluence cloud, Jira Service Management Cloud, Zephyr Scale, Assets, Plans, Atlassian Guard, Compass, Jira Product Discovery, Atlas, Slack, teams, GitLab, Scriptrunner, Refined
Customer Benefits: A secured and compliant data center platform where the users and customers could work structured according to standard configurations that promoted collaboration. A fully configured cloud platform with the latest security features implemented and a set of standards allowing rapid move to the cloud. Provided a project plan for cloud move and consolidated multiple organizations into the new Enterprise organization to save several millions in licensing costs. Removed consultants and hired a junior Atlassian Support Agent, leading a reduced cost for Sinch of several million SEK.
- Start Date: 10/02/2023
- End Date: 10/25/2024
- Industry:
- Length: 13 months
- Start Date: 02/01/2023
- End Date: 08/30/2024
- Industry: Communication
- Length: 19 months
- Start Date: 02/01/2023
- End Date: 08/30/2024
- Industry:
- Length: 19 months
- Start Date: 05/01/2024
- End Date: 10/25/2024
- Industry:
- Length: 6 months
Sinch - Senior Atlassian Platform Owner: Cloud Journey
A massive project I single-handedly managed where 3000 users was moving from Data Center to Cloud using a greenfield approach. I configured the cloud platform from scratch by setting up standards for all configurations based on our Atlassian strategies.
I planned the entire project, defined the budget, scheduled the 1400 workshops, created the 300+ projects with standard configurations and set up each project in Confluence where each team managed their cloud journey. I also documented all configurations in assets and in Confluence.
I held 3 workshops every day to guide the users to the new standards and late in the project I added a consultant to help with the workshops. I aligned requirements from the teams to ensure they were built and I aligned the new platform with the many integrations to ensure the platform was secure, compliant and used responsibly.
I set up new processes for handling integration requests and collaboration regarding emails with infra. I set up the integration with our AD together with infra and ensured we had all the processes in place for security and legal compliance.
I planned the rollout activities, prepared for the transition of emails from the old platform to the new for our Jira Service Management teams and set the schedule for moving Confluence spaces to the Cloud.
I also held weekly and later bi-weekly meetings with Atlassian.
Sinch - Heimdall
Securing the Jira Data Center Platform.
Sinch - Eunomia
Cleaning up the Jira Data Center Platform.
Sinch - Senior Atlassian Platform Owner: Atlassian Organization Consolidation
I worked with Atlassian to get an overview of all Atlassian products related to Sinch based on the known domain names Sinch own. From the list of 1300+ products I conducted a project to consolidate the many organizations under one Enterprise license and to shut down old and unused Atlassian products.
I used Assets and Confluence for organization and documentation and once the main organizations had been identified I took ownership of the organizations as Org Admin. I worked with the owners of the organizations and with Atlassian to consolidate the organizations into the Sinch Enterprise organization.
This required technical changes to adjust the groups and access settings since all global security configurations on the Organization level was managed by me. The people owning the external organizations were given site admin access as they were responsible for support and daily configurations until the second phase could begin.
I planned the second phase where all sites coming from old organizations would move into the Enterprise platform. This would be the third phase of the Cloud Journey program.
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Me and @Weam recruited @Sowmiya in 2023 to take on the role of Junior Atlassian Support. Our aim was to bring her in and train her so we had someone that could handle the bulk of our support tickets. Sowmiya quickly absorbed our knowledge and very quickly she became far more skilled and adept in the Atlassian product than we could ever dream of! When Wean left the company she and I together took care of more than 3000 users across hundreds of Jira project and hundreds of Confluence spaces.
I could never have done that without her, and she proved that she not only have the expertise and experience of a great Atlassian administrator, she also excel in customer support and people love her professional and skilled handling of their complicated requests.
She is Awesome!
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