Your team is either an Engineering team building towards a vision, or a mining team digging up value as they find it. You can't do both.
Many teams are confused about of these two and as a result they get the wrong result.
If you are working with continuous deliveries then your goal is to always move towards your visions and goals.
If you are working in a project, or in a R&D setting with ideation and exploration, then you are working towards finding as much value as you can in a set amount of time.
If you are working in a continuous delivery, and you are just digging where you stand, then you are not working towards your goals and visions, but you are trying to dig up as much value as you can in the time available.
This is frustrating because instead of moving forward, you are going downward. So make sure you know if your aim is forward or downward and act accordingly.
What direction is your team working towards?
If you are struggling to deliver today, then this could be why.
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