Is it fair to blame Agile for the stress related health issues affecting management? Are we sacrificing management for development teams to self-manage and if so is that a good thing or a bad thing?
It is no secret that management has become increasingly more difficult in the wake of the Agile movement. At least in the part of the Agile movement where teams are self-isolating and making up their own way of working with no alignment with the rest of the organization.
I have seen managers pass out in meetings and several have broken down to the point where they needed medical assistance. This is not uncommon and of all positions in a company I feel that middle management is by far the most stressful at the moment.
I believe this is due to a bad culture of always trying to be as fast as possible, poor communication between management and the teams and of course misaligned work processes that forces management to do far more work than they should have to.
While it is easy to blame Agile frameworks like Scrum for this, but is that really fair? It is not in Scrum that the teams should isolate themselves from management, at least not directly, but it seems that this is something that teams do on their own.
The gap between teams and management is growing and the question is if it is now worse than during the days of silo work in what we refer to as Waterfall, or when we will pass that point.
Manager across the globe are suffering, and I don't see anyone talking about this, or the cause of why they do. I think we should talk about it and the increasingly selfish behavior that is on the raise with internal tribalism feeding conflict between groups in the organizations instead of collaboration...

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