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A long week has come to an end. It has been long, not because it has been a rough week, but because it has been a fun and enjoyable week. It has made me tired, but in a good way and I look forward to next week already. It has also been a week a frustration as the world continue to descend into madness an intolerance. It is under control however and I do not get as upset as I once did. Overall I feel this has been a very good week.

This week the training at Martin & Servera begun and for the next 8 weeks I will conduct training sessions on the new setup and how Jira and Confluence works. So far the response has been positive and next week we will step things up a bit and start to look at test tools and dig deeper into the requirement parts.

The training is a bit slow as pollen start to affect me a bit and making breathing a bit heavy at times. I also get so very tired, which combined with the tiredness that comes from holding six-hour training sessions I have struggled a bit with energy. Or rather the lazy me have won over the active one 🙂

As I watch the world around me seem dead set on burning the entire world to the ground it affects me less. The fact that the US are slowly degrading into a country where people have a pissing contest on who can be the worst racist or sexist I find myself watching in fascination as people make up excuses to be racists towards white people that make the Apartheid in South Africa pale in comparison. I find myself wondering how long it will take before the fist "correction center" for white males will appear and when the BLM logo will be found on official uniforms that round up the "privileged ones" to never be heard from again.

The community of misandry, claiming to be feminists, is stepping things up and I hear quite often how women are relieved that men soon will be eradicated from the planet or that men should have curfew, so women can move without fear of being raped or murdered. The hate is quite irrational and blind and I have blocked more "feminists" on Twitter in this last week than I have in total on Twitter for 10 years. The sad thing is that this irrational hatred is something I can handle because I know that this is not rational people making death threats or calling me names, but young boys hear this almost on a daily basis and they don't  have the experience to handle this.

I fear that the death toll for suicide among men and white people will start to rise as these two narratives are getting louder. Not just on social media, but traditional media also focus a lot on this narrative, even to the point of bending and manipulating facts and truths to sell it.

This may seem depressing, but the world has always been crazy and filled with people driven by unreasonable hatred. If it is not religion, then it is sports or politics. People unhappy and weak-minded always group together with others like them to hurt those around them that are different. People die every day from this and I can either drown in the misery of it like the media want me to, or I can be like a proton and stay positive.

So I focus on the good things in life and do my bit to lift people up instead of bringing them down. People are amazing, even if they express bigoted opinions that are both sexist and racist. Just listen and look underneath the pain to see what they are actually saying. Every one is worth listening to and everyone is more complex than a single opinion.

Individuals over groups.


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