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    Feeling unfocused and disorganized

    Jimi Wikman

    Even though I love my new computer and the TV that I use as a monitor, I feel unfocused and disorganized. Having my work area in the kitchen is far from optimal, especially with windows and me living on the bottom floor. Fortunately this should all come to pass on Monday.

    Let me start by saying that working on a PC again feels weird. Working on a 48-inch TV is even more weird. Yet it feels amazing! Working in the kitchen however is not amazing, but it is endurable. The biggest issue I have is that I have windows on my left side and behind me, making it a bit hard to concentrate as people run past or a car pull up with the headlights on behind me.

    Because the situation is temporary I also don't want to commit too much to the setup in terms of cable management or peripheral devices. This makes things less organized than I like, and it causes some frustrations. So when I learned that my desk would not show up until March 15 due to the size of the table top I decided to change that to a larger one. This way I can get it delivered on Monday, which is something I feel I really need at this point.

    My Monday is of course fully packed, but I will work some extra hours this weekend, so I can clear parts of Tuesday to get things setup properly. Since I will have a raisable desk I will need to check how I want things setup and based on my decisions I will need to buy some additional cables and things for cable management. I also need to look at power management and depending on the material of the table top I might look into drilling out a hole for cable management or to expose USB ports for example.

    So hopefully things will start to feel complete, and I can focus much better when I have the home office space properly setup.

    I can't wait!

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    • My Personal Blog

      Photo by Ivan Samkov from Pexels

      About the Author

      Jimi Wikman is the owner of this site and this is his personal blog. Jimi is an experienced IT consultant that enjoy movies, TV series, working out and playing games on his PC.

      Opinions expressed are solely my own and do not express the views or opinions of my employer.

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