Another week have passed and as usual I have kept busy with the site. This week I did not feel great as I got a little bug that the family left behind, but it's one of those that just make you feel miserable. Still I had some nice progress on things here and things are looking pretty good.
I started the week by looking over my content sources and decided to upgrade my Feedly account again. It cost a bit, but I think it will be worth it as I now can have a better inflow of content. Since a lot of interesting things comes in, but not really something I want to write about myself, I tested out a new format called Happenings of the Week. This allow me to create a curated list of interesting content that hopefully will be interesting to the people visiting the site.
This also made me look into MailChimp again to create a newsletter for this type of content. I have not upgraded yet as I do not have that many users yet and the basic templates is ok for now. I will send this out weekly, probably on Sundays so I have time to manage it without feeling stressed during the week. I will also have a weekly blogpost of course if you prefer that.
Over at Shutterstock I am still trying to fill up the 750 images so I can purchase that. It's surprisingly difficult when you do not really know what you need. I try to spread things out across the different content areas, but still 750 images is a lot!
As far as the site goes I keep adding content and things feel great. I have some areas that need some extra love, but I am in no hurry. There are some design flaws, but as I am looking into a design update during 2020 anyway I will fix that then. The big changes I will make is to change the header a bit and then edit the templates a bit to add a header section in the content areas. This will allow me to organize things better and I can differentiate content a bit better.
Overall I have posted 5 blog posts this week in the Blog Articles section and that is I little more than I planned for. There is just so much to write about however, so I do not feel there is any shortage on that front yet. I even joined some subreddits where I get a ton of ideas and inspiration to complement the content I get from Feedly.
On the Peoples section I have a backlog of people that want to be presented. It's kind of nice and I have a little special thing I would like to do for the People section later. It require some planning, but it should be fun I think. For now I have more than enough to add people on a weekly basis, which is nice. I do plan to add a few new things to that section, like a section for my comments and some links to more social media like Behance, Instagram and Dribble.
So this week has been great so far and next week is hopefully even better.
How was your week?
Edited by Jimi Wikman
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