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Ever since I left Destiny 2 due to the horrible behavior of Bungie I have been focusing on Outriders. It is a very fun game, even if it started with quite a few bugs. A lot of people rushed through to the endgame, but I kind of got stuck a bit and I am now in no rush really to clear the end game.

Slow and steady. That is how I do it and my focus is on having fun rather than kin-maxing things. Just like with everything else. I started with the Devastator and really took my time with the campaign. Once done I had big problems getting into the end game and felt kind of frustrated for a while.

Rushing through the campaign with a Trickster and end game suddenly was much easier. Pushed up to World Tier 8 and then went back and took a Pyromancer through to end game as well. I took almost a week off to focus on work and playing some Diablo 3 just for fun. Now I am going to get my Technomancer through because I think that is the class that best fit my playing style as I am not so much in your face but rather midrange.

So unlike many you see online I am in no hurry to get to endgame and clearing World Tier 15 expeditions. I will get there sooner or later and I focus on enjoying the game and the story until then.

Slow, but steady.

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