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6 articles in this category

  1. 💫 Jimi Wikman ·
    My favorite E-commerce profile Katrin have purchased a competitor called SiteDirect and by doing so she now will be in charge of two popular platforms and 14 people in 3 locations. This is great news, and I am very happy that things are going well for Katrin and her husband Erik. While I do not know much about SiteDirect I know it is an "old" and experienced company with a platform that has been popular for a long time. If Katrin is investing in SiteDirect, then you can bet she has looked a
  2. 💫 Jimi Wikman ·
    Color psychology is a topic often brought up when discussing conversion rate optimization. It often comes up as a sort of law of what colors to use, which is based on an article online or some generic description in a book. Color psychology however is far more complex than that and a recent article by Talia Wolf at GetUplift is the best introduction to that complexity I think. The fact that colors can affect us should come as no surprise to anyone. There are a lot of studies that show that
  3. 💫 Jimi Wikman ·
    Ikea is making a bit of a splash recently with them announcing that they will not do the regular Black Friday sales and instead will buy back and resell products from their customers. This initiative called Buy Back Friday will happen in 27 of 31 markets globally between November 23rd to November 29th. When the rest of the world get ready for the biggest marketing campaign of the year, Ikea chooses to focus on a little different approach. The Buy Back Friday will focus on sustainability and
  4. 💫 Jimi Wikman ·
    Today the Swedish company Teknik Magasinet filed for bankruptcy after failing their reconstruction. It is one of several Swedish companies that have failed recently and many other are struggling at the moment. With tougher competition, changes in peoples buying habits as well as more expensive rent I think we will see more brick and mortar based companies fold in 2020. After a few rough years for Teknik Magasinet and with a reconstruction started in the summer of  2019 they finally gave up
  5. 💫 Jimi Wikman ·
    One of the biggest challenges when it comes to how to present your product on the product page is not how to actually show the product, it is how to sell it. I constantly see product pages with tons of bells and whistles. There are multiple product pictures or perhaps even a 3D model which is now getting more common. There are splashes for sales, discounts and campaigns. There are social media links and sharing capabilities. There are reviews, some better presented than others, and there are pro
  6. 💫 Jimi Wikman ·
    In the world of e-commerce things are moving fast. We see new reports every day about how E-commerce is breaking new boundaries. Mobile E-commerce is overtaking the desktop, as king of the E-commerce according to reports and on the surface it looks like E-commerce is the tip of the spear and the cutting edge of modern commerce. That is not the case however and in many ways E-commerce industry is still in its infancy. I will give you some examples on what I mean.   1. Still see things l