21 articles in this category
Today is my birthday. It is also the first birthday of this website after I converted it to use Invision Community. This last year have been filled with ups and downs, not just in life but the entire world seem to be having trouble finding it's footings. As I move into year two of the latest incarnation of this website it is time to find that footing again, at least for this website. When I started the conversion last year it was just another experiment. A way to try out the good old Invisi
As I posted earlier I have been working on a section for people. It has been a fun experience to build this section and now I am ready to add this to the resources section. I have added a handful people that I think is amazing and I will continue doing this of course to present some of the most amazing people I know. Building this section was fun, but also quite educational as to how Pages from Invisioncommunity works. There are a few areas where it was a bit tricky to get the fields to wor
I have always thought that people are amazing. I love meeting people from different cultures, religions, gender and political views. What I find is that if we look past the stereotypes and generalizations you find that all people have something valuable and amazing inside them. This is something I want to bring into this site and I am building a section for just that purpose. In my daily work I meet so many amazing people. People that not always get the attention they deserve. People who en
This site is built on Invision Power services and out of the box it is a very competent solution. As I dig deeper into the CMS however things quickly becomes a bit difficult. At the same time I continue to be amazed on just how powerful this system is. When you dive into IPS then you quickly start to find areas where you need some guidance. This is when you try to figure out how to adjust a certain piece of data or how IPS template systems work. This is where things get a bit difficult beca
September is upon us and for the next 4 weeks I will focus on giving you a glimpse into who I am. That part of my site always are the least developed, so I want to make it a bit different this time around. So September will be the month of me here on the site. Since I will be rebuild the Interview section where I met and interviewed different people I will present myself in a similar way. I will work on my projects and my education section to make sure those are up to day and the way I want
Last week I went on a trip to Moscow to lead some workshops for my current assignment. This was my first trip to Moscow and to Russia in general. Not only did I enjoy my time in Moscow, I find myself considering going back again as a tourist. My trip began a few of weeks before traveling as you need a visa to travel to Moscow. This required some documents and a trip to the Russian visa central. Since we got all the documents in advance this was quick and easy. A waiting period for about 10
If you are anything like me, then you track all kind of things about your life. Whether it is your heart rate, physical exercises or the calories you digest, we track them on a daily basis in our smart devices. Mental health and your mood is not as common to track however. For me who also like to scribble down short reminders here and there I found Daylio to be quite interesting for track your mood and mental health. Daylio is not a medical tool in any way. It is a micro diary. It is very c
This site is still very much in it's infancy and I have some plans for it that. Some are short term, some medium term and some are long term. What you can expect regardless, is a lot of content and resources. Hopefully also some interaction, even if that is not the immediate goal. Short Term Goals My short term goals in the next month or two are to continue to build up the layout and content areas. Right now this site have a good core for creating content where focus will of course be
I have now had my iPad Pro for 2 days and it is starting to come together nicely. I have the basic programs up and of course I miss some features on Office 365 that is a bit annoying. I can get around most of them of course so it's not so bad. I have also tried some apps for notes and painting with varied results. Using iPad Pro as my working tool is actually not bad at all. Mail and the entire Office 365 suite works fine, even if it is severely reduced in function. There are a few function
It's time to try working with an iPad again. It has been a long time since I used an iPad and my old ones are in a drawer somewhere not being used. I decided to try an iPad pro because of the latest changes and because I see more and more people using it for design purposes. I am also curious to see how well it can replace a laptop in my daily work. Getting a small iPad pro will be a very interesting experiment and I look forward to see what creative tools I can use with it. Things like dis
Building this new site feels amazing, yet very confined at times. Simple things that I have been used to are simply not part of the infrastructure. Other things are just different and things I wished I had a long time ago. Overall this is just the beginning of building a new beginning for my website. As with my old site I am still a bit all over the place when it comes to what I want the site to be about. I have already started to add my project portfolio and of course this blog, but beyond
Every summer, almost, it is time for reflection and build something new. This year is no exception, but it is a little bigger change that I look at. At the same time, I have changed the web host because I had some worries at Oderland that I try to figure out. By a small coincidence when I still switched web hosting, I stopped in the Invision Community again. I tried it a year ago on my .com site, but felt that it didn't really get as I wanted. When I looked at it, it felt really good, mayb
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Again and again we see the darkness around us as yet another bright soul leave this earth all to soon. We see the anger and the frustration grow around the globe. We see the silent bright lights get crushed by the ever growing coldness fed by greed and envy. Still we do nothing. In this time and age where information flow and we should be more enlightened than any generation before we still value greed over humanity. I watch in despair as the younger generations struggle to find their place