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I currently own two websites, and and I want to set up support for both of them. I don't want to spend a lot of money doing so, as I have other things to sink my money in, like hosting for example. So I want to set up a dual support using just one license. To make this a bit trickier I want to make it so that the two setups will feel and look completely different. So let us plan this shall we? So I have one Jira Cloud instance and one Confluence instance. T
Atlassian announced yesterday that they have acquired the small California based company, a company that focuses on AI technology to automize support flows, in quite impressive ways. This will strengthen the tool set of Jira Service Management with a new automation technology in the form of a no-code virtual agent that I think will add a lot to the Jira Service Management experience. While Edwin Wong, the Head of Product Management at Atlassian, did not go into any details in t
Atlassian are raising the prices for their cloud services on October 12th, which is perfectly ok. What is a bit strange though is that they for some reason seem to purposely try to hide just how much they are raising the prices. It does not say in the email, and the link takes you to the FAQ rather than the price list. A price list that only have the new prices and not the old for comparison. It is a bit odd. This seems to become a norm for Atlassian lately, to hide information and prevent
This is a repost from Atlassian's blog where the latest updates to the Atlassian cloud platform is posted. It is reposted here since the Atlassian blog does not have an RSS feed and so we can discuss the changes to the Atlassian Cloud architecture. You can follow these posts withe the tag "atlassian cloud changes". Atlassian Cloud Your cloud-hosted products are supported by the Atlassian Cloud platform. This section usually includes changes related to multiple Atlassian Cloud products,
This is a repost from Atlassian's blog where the latest updates to the Atlassian cloud platform is posted. It is reposted here since the Atlassian blog does not have an RSS feed and so we can discuss the changes to the Atlassian Cloud architecture. You can follow these posts withe the tag "atlassian cloud changes". Atlassian Cloud Your cloud-hosted products are supported by the Atlassian Cloud platform. This section usually includes changes related to multiple Atlassian Cloud products,
Atlassian has now announced that the cloud versions of Jira Software, Confluence, Jira Service Desk, and Jira Core will be available for small teams for free. This extent the free offer for small teams where Atlassian already offer free licenses for Trello, Bitbucket and Opsgenie. This announcement is not unexpected, but it comes with great timing now that so many are forced to work on remote due to the Corona situation. Allowing small companies the opportunity to collaborate using Jira, Co
Atlassian published a new podcast last week called Teamistry. As the name suggests it focuses on the success of teams and the chemistry within a team that allow for the impossible to be possible. A new episode will drop every other monday and you can follow this on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Gooogle Podcasts and as an RSS feed. The first Episode is called The Wizards of Menlo park and this is the description: Â
This is a repost from Atlassian's blog where the latest updates to the Atlassian cloud platform is posted. It is reposted here since the Atlassian blog does not have an RSS feed and so we can discuss the changes to the Atlassian Cloud architecture. You can follow these posts withe the tag "atlassian cloud changes". Atlassian Cloud Your cloud-hosted products are supported by the Atlassian Cloud platform. This section usually includes changes related to multiple Atlassian Cloud products,
An official notification was sent out last night regarding the cancellation of the Atlassian Summit 2020 in Las Vegas. The event will still take place, but in the form of a virtual event. This is another event cancelled to the growing fear of the Corona Virus and while it sucks for people already made plans, it could be a good thing to try out a virtual event. Â If you go to the Atlassian Summit page it is now called the Atlassian Remote Summit 2020. You can register for a remote partic
This is a repost from Atlassian's blog where the latest updates to the Atlassian cloud platform is posted. It is reposted here since the Atlassian blog does not have an RSS feed and so we can discuss the changes to the Atlassian Cloud architecture. You can follow these posts withe the tag "atlassian cloud changes". Atlassian Cloud Your cloud-hosted products are supported by the Atlassian Cloud platform. This section usually includes changes related to multiple Atlassian Cloud products,
This is a repost from Atlassian's blog where the latest updates to the Atlassian cloud platform is posted. It is reposted here since the Atlassian blog does not have an RSS feed and so we can discuss the changes to the Atlassian Cloud architecture. You can follow these posts withe the tag "atlassian cloud changes". Atlassian Cloud Your cloud-hosted products are supported by the Atlassian Cloud platform. This section usually includes changes related to multiple Atlassian Cloud products,
This is a repost from Atlassian's blog where the latest updates to the Atlassian cloud platform is posted. It is reposted here since the Atlassian blog does not have an RSS feed and so we can discuss the changes to the Atlassian Cloud architecture. You can follow these posts withe the tag "atlassian cloud changes". Atlassian Cloud Your cloud-hosted products are supported by the Atlassian Cloud platform. This section usually includes changes related to multiple Atlassian Cloud products,
This is a repost from Atlassian's blog where the latest updates to the Atlassian cloud platform is posted. It is reposted here since the Atlassian blog does not have an RSS feed and so we can discuss the changes to the Atlassian Cloud architecture. You can follow these posts withe the tag "atlassian cloud changes". Atlassian Cloud Your cloud-hosted products are supported by the Atlassian Cloud platform. This section usually includes changes related to multiple Atlassian Cloud products,